Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Morning Yearning

Lack of posts: due to extreme life-living and lack of complete inspiration. I spent the rest of 2007 in Calgary, working long hours at the godforsaken mall, with brief interludes of hot vinyasa yoga and long runs along the cold Bow River. Christmas was good this year, full of family and warmth. I haven't been happy at Christmas for a few years now. It was a welcome change. Nothing was extraordinary in December, I was facing the future and looking only toward it. I spent many hours on my own, blissfully and wonderfully (as is only possible when I am in Calgary). New Year's was spent in the company of my friend Miranda, who is leaving for Australia very soon. We were also accompanied by copious amounts of liquor. It was grand.

After working 7 solid weeks in a mall, I flew back to Toronto on January 4th to return to University for the first time in a year and a half. I was very excited and looking forward to learning, drinking, being with my friends, and my melancholy room. So far, things have been just as I wanted them, and better still.

My transition back into student life has felt seamless, as if I'd never left. It is even better now, too, because I have a firm idea of what I want out of my life here, and I am going to achieve it. I feel like I've become fully conscious, and I lived previously as only a fraction of my real self.

I love Peterborough. 30km runs to Lakefield and back, on beautiful grey afternoons before twilight. Walking Milo in the snow with a coffee in hand and music in ear. Waiting for the bus to take me to school, reading his thesis paper in the morning while he's in the shower, listening to José Gonzáles. Making amazing meals out of the few things in the fridge.

This is right now.

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