Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Welcome To Blogworld

Today, for some mysterious reason, (in fact it may have come with drinking a coffee, I'll never know) I am the victim of pure, unadulterated bliss. Even taking pictures of my (rather curvy) buttocks in the mirror has not minimized the horrible joy I am feeling.

Who would have thought that I got my wallet stolen yesterday?

Because I forgot to return my roommate's movie to the movie store when I said I would, I had to pay $12 in late fees so that she will never find out what an awful, unreliable person I really am. That left me with $70 in my bank account. Then I went and bought the new JANE magazine, cause you know, I'm down on my luck and really needed something to cheer me up. And then I bought a coffee. And a cookie. But really, I'm looking forward to spending the next couple weeks in a feverish state of non-eat, non-sleep, utterly and completely dominated by my (over)due assignments and the fact that I won't even be able to afford ramen noodles (that's Mr. Noodles to you guys!). And no, I will NOT be going out for cheap beer tonight, because I can't even afford the cheap anymore. Last time I said that, I ended up sleeping through my Thursday morning Geomorphology lab and wandering around campus in a state of semi-consciousness.

I vow to be a good girl, to floss, take my vitamins, and to not waste my time.

More on that later.

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