Monday, November 24, 2008

The Quiet City

Sometimes there is nothing I enjoy more than walking around late at night, as the snow falls thickly and there is no sound. I like seeing the city at night, shrouded by white. I like feeling like the only one awake. It kind of makes me nostalgic for a time I never lived, when the country was endlessly quiet and isolated, and you could truly be the only one around. If you've never seen The Snowman, go rent it or buy it or something.. I've watched it since I was very young, and it is the epitome of how I wish to feel on winter nights. It's kind of Christmas to me, if I lived in the English countryside. Nights like tonight, where there is little traffic on my road and even less people to be found. Quiet. Endless.

It's almost December- where has the time flown? School has kept me so busy I have barely had the time to notice the date, and now November is leaving me too. Soon I'll be in the air again, 3 more weeks until the West calls me back. Then it's 3 weeks of busy Calgary life, until the new semester starts and life evolves yet again. I hope for many more nights like this one, perhaps more filled with laughter and wine, crazy nights with those I can't live without, and who knows what else? I think, because last January, February, and March were so enjoyable, I will enjoy this time around too. I could only hope for so much.

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