Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Remembrance Day Moment

As I sat in the library preparing an essay, the sound of a trumpet filled the air at precisely 11am. Of course, it's November 11th, and in some provinces people get a holiday to remember the fallen... Although here in Ontario.. we don't. I digress. As everyone in the University library, no matter what they were doing, stood for a moment of silence, I felt an odd combination of emotions- shame, sadness, hilarity. A minute passed, then another, and another, until I couldn't figure out if the man running the show had either fallen asleep or was so deep in thought about the fallen that he forgot to tell us the moment was over and we could sit back down. At any rate, as I stood observing those around me in our collective many moments of silence, I looked to the left and noticed a large hickey on the neck of the girl beside me.

It was a moment to remember. On this Remembrance day, I hope you remember something, too.

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